
The Kiwanis Club of Bremerton was founded in 1921 and has been providing community service to Bremerton and the surrounding area ever since. Comprised of men and women, young and not so young we meet for lunch weekly at The Source, part of the historic Admiral Theater in Downtown Bremerton.

Weekly meetings begin with lunch and  time to socialize with other members, a brief business meeting to plan future community service projects followed by a presentation by a interesting guest speaker. Please feel free to join us at anytime!  Click here for details.

Kiwanis International

The Kiwanis Club of Bremerton is a part of a world-wide organization. Founded in 1915 in Detroit, with headquarters now in Indianapolis, Kiwanis International is a thriving organization of service and community-minded individuals who support children and young adults around the world. More than 600,000 Kiwanis-family members in 96 countries make their mark by responding to the needs of their communities and pooling their resources to address worldwide issues. Through these efforts, Kiwanis International truly is “Serving the Children of the World”.
